Cislink Technology

Plot no 127/Q. P.E.C.H.S Block 2, Near Red Apple Restaurant, Tariq Road Karachi, Pakistan

School Management System

ODN School Management Software is an easy to use, affordable and complete web based school management solution that will meet all of your needs. It helps you manage the whole record online and access it easily, whether its a student personal information or academic record – scholastic helps you go through all your tedious work within minutes which you have been managing in excels/papers.
ODN School Management System which manages complete students’ data and records, their different types of fees, promotions and all type of activities that helps to run the transition of daily working in the school premises. This also includes many important features likely; GR number assign, appointments with principal and teachers, Registration process, Admissions, Medical records, Classroom Management, Custom Fee Templates, Student’s Profile Management, Fee challan formats, Scholarships, benefits and other miscellaneous expenses, Promotion and Transfers.
Our School Management System also featured Attendance, SMS alert and notifications portal for parents, Certificates of Various types and most important of all the reports as per the desired format and much more. Besides it also has complete integration with the account module and helps keeps the collection and payment structure balanced.
It’s a complete one stop solution to all School requirements that can be managed easily


School Management Software is the system design for professional educational institutions which contains the set of instruction which we had used to perform manually.  With the passage of time & advancement, data recording, Management and book-keeping are now done via software with fewer chances of errors and blunders. This School Management System can maintain all your manual work from attendance record to Leaving Certificate, from custom reporting to parents interaction portal all can done via this human friendly software.
  1. Register a Student
  2. Appointment Management for Principal
  3. admission process
  4. Assign Roll Number
  5. Class Room Allocation
  6. Fee Template Generator
  7. Fee Challans Generator
  8. Student History Management
  9. School Leaving
  10. Attendance Handling

Security Administrator

Security management is the heart of every system which needs secure data keeping. Our robust security features allow the Administrator to give and restrict access to the users according to his/her job specification. The main features in our school management software are:

  • Assign User
  • Define Roles
  • Assign User Rights
  • User log Maintenance


The system generates the following main reports that are frequently used:

  • New Registration Report
  • New Admission Report
  • Receivable Report
  • Student Ledger Report
  • Daily Collection Report
  • Scholarship Reports
  • Advances Report
  • Student History Report


Administrator can perform following tasks.

  • Admit New Student
  • Attendance Tracking
  • Define Fee Structures
  • Make various fees templates on request
  • Assign Miscellaneous Charges to all or limited students based on any criterion
  • Promote Students
  • Assign Roll Numbers
  • Generate Automatically certificates at the time of School Leaving
  • TC, Provisional, Sports, Character Certificate
  • Staffing

Fees Accounts

Accounts Department through our user-friendly automated system.

  • Fees Handling
  • Cash Reports
  • Bank Reconciliation
  • Defaulter list
  • Receivables
  • Late Fees Calculations
  • Reports